ISO834-1 Multifunctional Horizontal Combustion Test Equipment

Suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing members such as walls, beams, columns, slabs, ceilings and roofs.

Base price


 Suitable for load-bearing and non-load-bearing members such as walls, beams, columns, slabs, ceilings and roofs. Other structures, fittings or structures can be used as reference.


Compliance with standards

"Building component fire test method Part 1: General requirements", ISO834-1: 1999 "Fire test building components Part 1: General Requirements


The main parameters

Refractory test furnace: It is a horizontal test furnace with a size of 6M (length) x 6M (width) x 3M (high) (can be customized), and the interior is made of high temperature resistant insulation material.

Loading device: mechanical loading to move the bridge crane inside the building. Ability to simulate uniform loading, centralized loading, axial loading, or eccentric loading.

Support frame: connected to the wedge bracket on the frame by four rollers.

Thermocouples: thermocouples in the furnace, backfire thermocouples, moving thermocouples, internal thermocouples, ambient temperature thermocouples are distributed in various areas.

In-furnace pressure measuring probe: T-shaped measuring probe with measuring accuracy ± 2Pa

Test piece gap measurement probe: ±0.1mm diameter 6mm diameter ±0.2mm diameter 25mm

Combustion system: gas distribution system (within 10 meters), fire nozzle (not less than 20) and regulating valve

Combustion gas source: natural gas (user-owned)

Gas flow rate: 0~100L/min Measurement accuracy 2.5

Air flow: 0~50m3/min Measurement accuracy ≤±0.5m3/min

Gas tank capacity: ≥50kg×6

Furnace temperature control system: 10 points maximum sampling point

Ventilation system and control damper, etc.

Radiation heat measurement of the back surface of the test piece: 0~10W/cm2


The furnace temperature and pressure control is connected to the control system via the computer's RS485. The DC output voltage of the combustion test sensors such as thermocouples and pressure sensors is converted to digital form and can then be passed to the computer system for display and storage.