Table Abrasion Tester
The wear resistance of the material is measured, and the wear resistance of the product is evaluated by an abrasion test, such as measuring mass loss, thickness loss, and light transmittance.
Application object
Products used in test planes, such as: suitcases, carpets, cardboard, clothing, glass, plastic coatings, porcelain Y bricks, metal coatings, paints, varnishes, decorative sheets, high-pressure sheets, plastics, textiles, elastic floor mats, transportation Paints, anodized layers, blankets, electronic components, decorative panels, waxes, labels, holsters, dental materials, automotive interiors, resins, furniture, etc.
Standards compliant
ASTMD3884, ASTM D1175, ASTM D1044, ASTM D4060, TAPPIT476, ISO9352, ISO5470-1, JISK7204, JISA1453, JISK6902, JISL1096, JISK6964, DIN52347, DIN53109, DIN53754, DIN53799, etc.
The material to be tested is placed on the turntable, and the two grinding wheels are pressed against the material with a certain weight to be worn.
When the sample with an area of 10x10cm is subjected to wear, the surface material of the sample is worn by a full-angle particle or silk weave to form a complete ring.
The grinding wheel rotates with the rotating surface of the sample disc to generate relative motion and wear, and the deviation of the grinding wheel shaft relative to the rotating shaft of the rotating shaft during the rotating process causes a slip motion, thereby abrading the material.
What is footwear testing?
Footwear physical testing - Physical tests on shoe Resistance, abrasion, water resistance of shoes. The shoe : from its design to its marketing, including its manufacture, quality control and fit, CTC supports you in all stages of its production.