Krebs Stormer Viscometer
BGD 184 Stormer Viscometer is used for measuring the viscosity of Newtonian and non-newtonian fluids in accordance with ASTM D562. The viscosity of a
non-newtonian material varies depending on the rate of shear, but Krebs Stormer Viscometer can measure the viscosity at a set speed shear rate which provides a
consistent standard.
Based on the popular traditional KREBS method, using a weight-driven rotating
paddle to sense the paint viscosity at a constant 200 rpm, this modern digital
instrument provides automated motor operation, without weights & pulley, allowing
accurate direct reading in KU (Krebs units)or g (gram). The conversion
between these units is automatically calculated by the microprocessor and displayedon request. Sturdy construction allows for use either in a production environment or
in the laboratory.
◆ LED digital display gives the reading in Krebs units or grams.
◆ Magnetic rotor enables rapid installing, dismantlement or cleaning.
◆ Self protection function under over-range.
◆ Come with Calibration Certificate